Student Mobility for Study
Student mobility for study is carried out within the framework of the existing inter-institutional agreements of ECHE and the Higher Education Institution (see bilateral agreements ). The mobility consists of a student registered at the higher education institution completing a part of his/her education at a higher education institution abroad with which he/she is a partner through an inter-institutional agreement. The duration of the activity can be between 2 and 12 months (1, 2 or 3 terms according to the systems of some countries) for each level of education separately. The level of education refers to associate/undergraduate, master’s and doctorate levels. The mobility can be carried out in any class during the education period.
Students who will participate in the mobility;
Must be registered in a diploma program at the higher education institution.
Students are expected to be sent abroad to follow a program that is equivalent to 60 ECTS credits for one full academic year; 30 ECTS credits for one term in a two-term academic year and 20 ECTS credits for one term in a three-term academic year in order to carry out the studies required for their diploma/degree. Credits earned in the program followed are given full academic recognition. Failed credits are repeated at the host institution.