Annual Report of the Foreign Relations and Erasmus Coordination Office (01.07.2023-31.08.2024)

Foreign Relations and Erasmus Coordinatorship

Foreign Relations and Erasmus Institutional Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tuba DENKÇEKEN

Responsible for Erasmus Office for Foreign Relations: Deniz Gül ÖZKILIÇ

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Representation of the Foreign Relations and Erasmus Coordination Office inside and outside the institution
  • Recording the incoming/outgoing document record belonging to the Coordinatorship in accordance with the Standard File Plan determined by the Council of Higher Education
  • Ensuring that the web page of the coordinatorship, which is one of the tools that ensure the information flow of Erasmus+ Projects, is up-to-date
  • Introduction of Erasmus+ Exchange Programs and European Union scholarships
  • Carrying out directive/legislative arrangement studies regarding exchange programs
  • Carrying out Erasmus+ exchange programs in line with SANKO University European Union Erasmus Program Implementation Directive and National Agency’s Handbook for Higher Education
  • Providing orientation training to students at the opening of the academic year
  • Providing orientation training to the relevant academic staff in case of change of unit coordinator
  • Answering e-mails related to Erasmus+ Projects, providing assistance and support to students and academic/administrative staff in their processing processes
  • Checking the up-to-dateness of the members of the Academic/Administrative Staff and Student Exchange and Cooperation Commission (title, continuity of duty, etc.)
  • Determining the selection criteria of the administrative staff and submitting them to the decision of the Academic/Administrative and Student Exchange and Cooperation Commission
  • Creating the calendar for the Erasmus+ Study and Internship Mobility process and submitting it to the Academic/Administrative Staff and Student Exchange and Cooperation Commission
  • Creating the calendar for the Erasmus+ Teaching and Training Mobility process and submitting it to the Academic/Administrative Staff and Student Exchange and Cooperation Commission
  • Initiation, execution and up-to-dateness of the Bilateral Agreements, which are prerequisites for Erasmus+ Student Study and Staff Teaching Mobility
  • Obtaining a written/oral foreign language exam date from the Department of Common Courses for Erasmus+ Study and Traineeship Mobility
  • Obtaining a written/oral foreign language exam date from the Department of Common Courses for Erasmus+ Study Mobility
  • Announcement of foreign language exam results on the website and submission of result documents
  • Preparing announcements regarding Erasmus+ Study and Traineeship Mobility applications and announcing them to students
  • Preparation of announcements regarding Erasmus+ Teaching and Training Mobility applications and announcement to academic/administrative staff
  • Publication of the application announcement on our University’s website and LED screens
  • Making the necessary arrangements regarding the applications
  • Organizing a Q&A Event for students and staff while mobility applications are open to ensure that the applications are completed correctly and completely.
  • Checking the election results and submitting them to the commission
  • Announcement of the application results on the website of the coordinatorship and on the university’s LED screens
  • Informing academic/administrative staff and students who are entitled to mobility about the required documents
  • Execution of procedures regarding renounced academic/administrative staff and students
  • Signing a grant agreement between the academic/administrative staff who are the main candidates and our university
  • Signing a grant agreement between the main candidate student and our university
  • Entering the academic/administrative staff information with which the grant agreement has been signed into the Beneficiary Module mobility tool
  • Entering the student information with which the grant agreement has been signed into the Beneficiary Module mobility tool
  • Informing the students and staff who are entitled to mobility about the percentages applied in the grant and providing relevant information to the Financial Affairs Directorate.
  • Checking the documents of the students who have completed the mobility process and submitted the necessary documents and carrying out the academic recognition procedures
  • Carrying out the necessary correspondence for the realization of the remaining grant payment or refund procedures of the students whose mobility procedures have been completed and providing the necessary information to the Financial Affairs Directorate
  • Carrying out the necessary correspondence for the remaining grant payment or refund transactions of the personnel whose mobility procedures have been completed and who have submitted their documents in full, and providing the necessary information to the Financial Affairs Directorate.
  • Filing the mobility documents of the academic/administrative staff and students participating in the mobility
  • Execution of procedures for the transfer of the quota where mobility does not take place
  • If there is a quota transferred, re-announcement and finalization in line with the new contract
  • Calling for proposals to the National Agency in order to carry out Erasmus+ mobility in the next contract period
  • Monitoring the signature process in the new contract period, providing access to up-to-date documents
  • Preparation and submission of interim and final reports to the National Agency for the relevant mobility period
  • Preparation and submission of reports when requested by the Council of Higher Education
  • Participation in meetings (online/face-to-face) organized by the National Agency in the relevant project year
  • Submission of incoming student applications within the scope of Erasmus+ Projects to the relevant units for evaluation
  • Forwarding the applications of academic/administrative staff received within the scope of Erasmus+ Projects to the relevant units for evaluation
  • Arrangement of the data requested by the units regarding the exchange programs
  • Representing our University in organizations such as International Week/Staff Week held abroad and visiting universities with partnership potential abroad
  • To increase bilateral cooperation by representing our University in international conferences, seminars or education fairs held in our country and abroad and to ensure the recognition of our University
  • Preparation and submission of an information file containing the forward-looking action plan, workflow processes and activity reports of the previous year to the management every year
  • Execution of the task in accordance with the relevant legislation, quality management system policy objectives and procedures and definitions and policies of the internal control system, fulfillment of additional duties and responsibilities specified in the quality and internal control management system documents, compliance with warnings and instructions regarding occupational safety.

Services Offered

  • The Foreign Relations and Erasmus Coordination Office acts within the scope of the Internationalization Policy of SANKO University and ensures the coordination of every international activity.
  • Provides orientation for staff and students about Exchange Programs.
  • It follows the European Union Scholarship Applications and announces them to the units.
  • The initiation of the Bilateral Agreement, which is a prerequisite for Exchange Programs, ensures inter-institutional mobility by following the process and implementing the signed agreements.
  • It initiates the application process of Erasmus+ Programs and acts transparently and fairly in the evaluation processes.
  • It provides the necessary support for the complete and timely submission of applications.
  • Within the scope of mobility, it guides academic/administrative staff and students from the application process to the return of mobility.
  • It works in coordination with the Financial Affairs Directorate while calculating the grants to be received by the academic/administrative staff and students who will benefit from the mobility and transferring these grants to the beneficiary’s account.
  • It solves all kinds of problems that may occur in mobility programs and makes the necessary correspondence.
  • It provides coordination with the Turkish National Agency and requests a budget at the opening of the relevant project. Manages the process according to the result of the project.
  • It shares the requests and information of the Turkish National Agency with the Rector and Vice-Rector.
  • It mediates the provision of a suitable environment for academic staff from exchange programs to teach at our University and for administrative staff to make administrative observations. In addition, they arrange the environments where they can stay and follow up the necessary documents.
  • It keeps track of the documents of the students who come with the exchange program, arranges the places where they can stay and informs the faculties, colleges and institutes where they will be guests in order to match the courses they will take. Organizes an orientation program for incoming students. It helps to solve any problems they may encounter during their stay and guides them.
  • Participates in programs such as meetings, seminars, etc. organized by the National Agency and ensures the application of the acquired knowledge.


SANKO University Erasmus+ Exchange Programs Mobilities between 01.07.2023 and 30.08.2024 are given below.

  • While there were no academic/administrative staff and students coming within the scope of Erasmus+ Projects, 1 (one) academic staff from the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics of the Faculty of Health Sciences of our University participated in the Teaching Mobility.
  • Within the scope of Erasmus+ International Student Exchange programs Traineeship Mobility, the number of students who have gone/will go from our institution is 4 (four).
  • Within the scope of Erasmus+ Staff Training Mobility, the number of administrative staff leaving our institution is 8 (eight).
  • Within the scope of the Erasmus+ program, the current number of bilateral agreements made with universities abroad in the 2023-2024 Academic Year is 28 (twenty-eight), and the expired bilateral agreements have been updated.
  • In order to increase the recognition of our university on international platforms and to cooperate bilaterally; Between 25.08.2023 and 03.09.2023, a faculty member who is the Coordinator of the Institution and a Member of the Commission was appointed and visits were made to Berlin Charite University, Medical School of Berlin, Prague Charles (Karolina) University and Medical University of Vienna.

Meetings, Trainings and Events held at SANKO University between 01.07.2023 and 30.08.2024  are given in Table 23.

Table-1 Meetings, Trainings and Events

Sequence No History Type Type of Activity Location
1 October 11, 2023 ErasmusDays Activity SANKO University Classroom 11
2 October 12, 2023 ErasmusDays Activity SANKO University Classroom 11
3 21-22 November 2023 2023 Erasmus+ Higher Education Mobility (KA 131) Project Management Meeting Meeting Afyonkarahisar
4 23-24 November 2023 KA171 Project Information Meeting Meeting Eskisehir
5 18-21 December 2023 Eurodesk Turkey 2023 Evaluation Meeting Meeting Ankara
6 11.01.2024 Central Projects Meeting for Higher Education Institutions Meeting Ankara
7 22.02.2024 Pre-Application Q&A Event Activity SANKO University Classroom 118
8 26.02.2024 Pre-Application Q&A Event Activity SYMYO Conference Hall
9 28.02.2024 Pre-Application Q&A Event Activity SANKO University Classroom 118

Information about the Erasmus Application Process Activities at SANKO University between 01.07.2023 and 30.08.2024 is given in Table 24.

Table-2 Application, Exam and Result Dates

Main Activity Activity Type Start. Historical End Date
Application Erasmus Mobility Application KA131 2021 Erasmus+ Student Study Mobility Application Announcement 02.10.2023 06.10.2023
Application Erasmus Mobility Application KA131 2021 Staff Teaching Mobility – 2 Application Announcements 02.10.2023 06.10.2023
Result Application Evaluation Evaluation was made on TURNAPORTAL. 07.10.2023 07.10.2023
Exam Foreign Language Exam (Student)(Written) Foreign Language Level Assessment Exam 18.03.2024 18.03.2024
Exam Foreign Language Exam


Foreign Language Level Assessment Exam 22.03.2024 22.03.2024
Exam Foreign Language Exam (Personnel) (Written) Foreign Language Level Assessment Exam 21.03.2024 21.03.2024
Exam Foreign Language Exam


Foreign Language Level Assessment Exam 22.03.2024 22.03.2024


Erasmus Mobility Application KA 131 2022 Staff Training Mobility 21.02.2024 15.03.2024
Application Erasmus Mobility Application KA 131 2022 Staff Teaching Mobility 21.02.2024 15.03.2024
Application Erasmus Mobility Application KA 131 2022 Student Traineeship Mobility 21.02.2024 15.03.2024
Result Application Evaluation Evaluation was made on TURNAPORTAL. 16.05.2024 16.05.2024
Application Erasmus Mobility Application KA 131 2023 Staff Training Mobility 21.02.2024 15.03.2024
Application Erasmus Mobility Application KA 131 2023 Staff Teaching Mobility 21.02.2024 15.03.2024
Application Erasmus Mobility Application KA 131 2023Student Traineeship Mobility 21.02.2024 15.03.2024
Result Application Evaluation Evaluation was made on TURNAPORTAL. 16.05.2024 16.05.2024
Application Erasmus Mobility Application KA 131 2023 Staff Training Mobility 01.07.2024 16.07.2024
Result Application Evaluation Evaluation was made on TURNAPORTAL 17.07.2024 17.07.2024