Internationalization Policy


SANKO University internationalization policy; In order to realize the mission, vision, quality policy and strategic goals, the Internationalization Strategy Document in Higher Education is to train students within the framework of the competencies required by the globalizing world in line with the corporate culture/values, to increase recognition, to develop projects in cooperation with international education institutions/health sector. The themes of Access to Higher Education, Quality and Institutional Capacity are taken into account in the internationalization policy of higher education at the university.

  • To participate in fairs, congresses, symposiums, workshops and meetings held in international platforms in order to increase the recognition of the university in international platforms.
  • To cooperate with international universities in order to increase the number of students and lecturers benefiting from international exchange programs and these programs.
  • To increase the number of internationally qualified publications, the number of citations and the number of projects carried out with international cooperation, by establishing a performance evaluation system, awards, incentives, etc. provide support.
  • It is aimed to increase the capacity of academic staff in foreign languages ​​with various supports in order to increase their effectiveness in academic and social activities.
  • Carrying out studies to create international joint education and training programs.
  • To work towards increasing the number of departments and programs that have international memberships and accreditation,
  • To organize information and publicity meetings to encourage the mobility of students, academic and administrative staff abroad.