General Information About The Institute

Our university is committed to contribute to the lifelong education and developmentprocess of the society by providing postgraduate education to the students whoadapt to today's technological developments, successfully blend these developmentswith medical and other disciplines, in the structure of researcher, questioner andanalytical thinking. For this purpose, the postgraduate programs in the field of healthat our university aim to contribute to the national economy by establishing a relationbetween basic and clinical sciences. SANKO University has been one of theoutstanding educational institutions of our region with its graduate programsincreasing in number. Since 2015, the programs “MSc in Nursing” and “MSc inMolecular Medicine”, which is a multidisciplinary program, have been providingeducation at the Postgraduate Education Institute of our University. In the 2018-2019academic year, new graduate and doctorate programs have been opened in ourinstitute. These programs are: in the health field, “Physiotherapy and RehabilitationMaster’s with Thesis” and the one and only “Biostatistics Doctorate” program amongthe foundation universities in Turkey. In the field of science at our institute,interdisciplinary “Biological and Biomedical Sciences Master's with Thesis Program”has been started as a first in Turkey. With this program, it was aimed to trainscientists who have an innovative perspective in the international community focusedon research and development processes of devices and products that can be used inthe diagnosis, treatment and follow-up stages of diseases, and design and softwarestudies that can contribute to these processes.